Firm Up Post Weight Loss Skin: A-Z Toning Exercises, Supplements, Treatments

I've lost 100 pounds and am now faced with the burning question--how to firm up post-fat saggy skin? It's tricky if you have a lot of weight to lose, like I did. You don't necessarily lose weight evenly in all places. You can't predict exactly how your body will look like when you're done. You don't know what parts will be saggiest. For me, it's neck, face and tummy. Do you read excuse-making here for not exercising? Maybe so. But weight loss means body-under-construction. So now that I'm where I want to be , I can start the firm-up process. Here are A-Z skin and muscle toners to firm up a post-weight loss body. I've included lower-impact exercises for those of us with health problems that prevent more strenuous workouts. Use these for post-partum toning too. Firm Up Post Weight Loss Skin: A-Z Toning Exercises, Supplements And Treatments