Bride's dad drags stepdad into wedding ceremony so fathers can both giver her away

Fetch your Kleenex box, folks, because here's a three-tissue tearjerker! A brides' dad dragged the stepdad into wedding ceremony so the fathers can co-give the bride away. Woman's Day said September 29, that father of the bride, Todd Bachman, paused the nuptials so he could bring his ex-wife's new husband on board to give their little girl away together. Needless to say, this act brought down the house--in tears--as guests and wedding party witnessed the generous, brotherly gesture. Got a lump in your throat? Check out the stepfather's face crumbling with emotion as he's led to take his place at the altar. He clearly got what Bachman had planned. Bachman has a charming look of jaunty determination, and perhaps held back tears himself, as he pulls this man into the bridal party. Bride's dad drags stepdad into wedding ceremony so fathers co-give bride away |